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Fundraising Committee

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Fundraising Committee Empty Fundraising Committee

Post  Admin Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:12 am

Discuss with one another.


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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  abc Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:15 pm

I just want to thank Josh for doing a lot of work for this committee.

He contacted stores about discount cards. The stores were lackadaisical about this because the economy and the making cards will cost more than the profit.

we have two solid non-risk fund-raising ideas.

1. performing for donations.
What are people doing on November's art walk on the 6th? We could go sing for like an hour.

2. asking for donations from companys and doing a raffle ticket drawing of some sort at large performances.
We can make a list of companies and assign people to call 1 or 2 businesses for donations.

What do you guys think about this?


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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  Quentin Lee Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:35 pm

I think number 2's a chill idea and NOV6 is the perc concert and the lock-in maybe after the concert before the lock in?
Quentin Lee
Quentin Lee

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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  Joshua Lang Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:36 am

I want to note here that some donations will be in the form of gift cards and such which will have expiration dates. So, we need to plan ahead of time when we're going to request and pick up the things we want for our events.

Joshua Lang

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Location : Woodcrest Apts.#294, 800 W Forest Meadows St, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  Travis Whaley Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:08 am

Well, the plates are $1000. We'll need some ideas for fundraising next semester.

Varsity gasser for car washes are great. KKY can help us there
Friday Art Walk
Performances Downtown
Profit shares are good, but get them done early

I think it would be funny if we do a profit share and advertise it like a car wash and make a witty comment about how car washes are dumb.... have people stand out by the street and tell them to get food at said place. I think that would be clever-ish. Arby's really helped out SAI a couple days ago. you don't even need flyers.

Think about this stuff and discuss. Plan some stuff for next semester!


Travis Whaley
Travis Whaley

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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  Travis Whaley Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:12 am

Hey guys,

If you could get together and talk about what is going on to raise some money next semester. If you could call places, look around, that would be awesome.

I still wouldn't mind doing a "discount card" for businesses. there's not rush on that, but I think it would be awesome to work on next semester and have cards for next year.

Travis Whaley
Travis Whaley

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Location : Highland Village Apt 6-208, Flagstaff

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Fundraising Committee Empty Opera Fundraiser

Post  Quentin Lee Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:19 pm

HEY SOMEone should really really talk to Naudo and or debi about Doing a Coat check for the opera fundraiser in JAnuary. I think it would help spread our image to the communtiy and raise a few bucks
Quentin Lee
Quentin Lee

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Fundraising Committee Empty Arby's thing with Yudai

Post  Travis Whaley Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:31 pm


I'm thinking Arby's. Haha! See what I did there!

They are letting us decorate, we can advertise a ton for this event, announce in classes. It should be a blast.

I would like to see this happen every two weeks. At 20% of the money going to us, I think this would be awesome and crank up a hefty chunk of cash throughout the semester. Also, other fundraisers would be awesome, like performances.

Ideas... GO!
Travis Whaley
Travis Whaley

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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  abc Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:39 pm

I talked to the manager and she said they do benefit nights on tues and wed during 6 to 9
I will ask the brothers which time will work better for them
All you have to do is buy food there, you dont have to stay.
but you are encouraged to hang out with everyone,

personally I cant be there until after 830 on tues and 8 on wed because I have edf200 and quartet plus quintet.

the point of this fundraiser is for non PMA members to support us also so,
if everyone can bring their friends, it will be a successful fundraiser.
See you on Monday.



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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  Joshua Lang Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:38 pm

Thanks for looking into this Yudai. I can easily make it on Tuesdays after jazz band gets out (6:15), but Wednesdays might be a little bit trickier.

Joshua Lang

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Location : Woodcrest Apts.#294, 800 W Forest Meadows St, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

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Fundraising Committee Empty Set a date tomorrow

Post  Travis Whaley Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:45 pm


If you could give us a date or two for this fundraiser that would be awesome! Make it next week at the soonest so we can publicize!

Everyone, when Yudai does this, make announcements in all of your classes no matter how awkward it may be. We need people there, and we NEED money! Once we get a date, I'll make little flyers you can pass out to people to remind them.

If you're in a class with Katlin Simonson, she did this for the ACDA fundraiser and it worked... just announce it!

We all don't have to be there... just a couple guys to throw some balloons outside.

Another thought... The day before, at any given time, stand out on Milton dressed in "summer apparel" with signs that say "CAR WASHES SUCK! EAT AT ARBYS TOMORROW 6-9" I'm even thinking goggles and flippers too. Oh yeah. that should draw attention and get people to come in. What do you think?

Travis Whaley
Travis Whaley

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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  abc Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:58 am

cool, i just emailed the manager from Arby's I will get an answer tom. morning.

We want to make the meeting social, so we should save time and discuss fundraising on the forum.

so who has or can get raffle tickets to do the raffling?

Josh can you get the Bdubs gift card by the next meeting? sooner the better

who is in charge of the bracelets, can we have a price of about 100 and 50 bracelets by next meeting? if we buy it for 50 cents and sell it for 2bucks we make 15 dollars if we sell 10. $150 for 100.

i think beanies were miguel's idea. Can you (miguel) see how much it costs from print raven and post it on here?
I think you have a lot of good ideas so can you make them happen? I think the fraternity will benefit greatly if one of your ideas can be done, not only thought and discussed by the members.

who can contact sodexo for getting food to sell for jazz mad (jan 12 -13) and jazz fest feb 25-27?

we have a lot of members and i think if everyone does something we can get done a lot.
The people from other committees should help out because other committees cant function yet w/o money.

and other ways to get money, is old ppl, or alumni. Can nick find out the alumni in AZ and have ppl help him write/send letters to them asking them for money?

This seems alot but if we have our 20plus ppl do one thing it will only be like 30min tops,
and out meeting can be singing and social, travis was thinking a bdub night after the next next meeting.
I am really excited for this semester because its my first time initiating members.
Hopefully the fraternity can become stronger, not only in numbers.

please reply with what you can do or "sacrifice".


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Join date : 2009-10-27

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Fundraising Committee Empty Print raven

Post  Travis Whaley Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:47 pm

Hey guys,

I'll be going to Print Raven today to check out prices for beanies and scarves. Someone should check out the bracelet idea.

Travis Whaley
Travis Whaley

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Age : 35
Location : Highland Village Apt 6-208, Flagstaff

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Fundraising Committee Empty Re: Fundraising Committee

Post  abc Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:11 am

I just talked to Bobby and he said he can get the information about sodexo,

about how to got about getting food through them
what they have
how much it will cost us

Thanks bobby.


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Fundraising Committee Empty Food For Jazz Mad and Jazz Fest

Post  Caveman Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:00 pm

Yudai Ueda wrote:cool, i just emailed the manager from Arby's I will get an answer tom. morning.

We want to make the meeting social, so we should save time and discuss fundraising on the forum.

so who has or can get raffle tickets to do the raffling?

Josh can you get the Bdubs gift card by the next meeting? sooner the better

who is in charge of the bracelets, can we have a price of about 100 and 50 bracelets by next meeting? if we buy it for 50 cents and sell it for 2bucks we make 15 dollars if we sell 10. $150 for 100.

i think beanies were miguel's idea. Can you (miguel) see how much it costs from print raven and post it on here?
I think you have a lot of good ideas so can you make them happen? I think the fraternity will benefit greatly if one of your ideas can be done, not only thought and discussed by the members.

who can contact sodexo for getting food to sell for jazz mad (jan 12 -13) and jazz fest feb 25-27?

we have a lot of members and i think if everyone does something we can get done a lot.
The people from other committees should help out because other committees cant function yet w/o money.

and other ways to get money, is old ppl, or alumni. Can nick find out the alumni in AZ and have ppl help him write/send letters to them asking them for money?

This seems alot but if we have our 20plus ppl do one thing it will only be like 30min tops,
and out meeting can be singing and social, travis was thinking a bdub night after the next next meeting.
I am really excited for this semester because its my first time initiating members.
Hopefully the fraternity can become stronger, not only in numbers.

please reply with what you can do or "sacrifice".

HI everybody its Bobby I am on the forum so I just talked with Becca the catering maganger for NAU she is gng to look into for food for us to sell she has to get back with me on it I told her soon as possible she said that she will get back to me as quickly as possible


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